Pat collects husbands and men the way she collects earrings!...but you know I ain't one to gossip;-) Here is the list of her marriages and bits on the side:
Frank Butcher-at age 16
Den Watts-Oh I wish we had the details of this dangerous liason
On the game (prostitute) for a period of time
Husband #1: Pete Beale (from early 1960s-1966) Pete fathered her son David Wicks
Kenny Beale (whilst married)
Brian Wicks (whilst married)-Brian fathered her son Simon Wicks
Husband #2: Brian Wicks (from 1966-1986) Brian adopted both David and Simon, but Simon was his
Husband #3: Frank Butcher (from 1989-1995) She mothered Diane, Ricky and Janine
Husband #4: Roy Evans (from 1996-2003) Widowed after Roy died of a heart attack
2006-Affair with Patrick Trueman
2010-Affair with Harvey Freeman (who was also involved with Peggy simultaneously)
And these are the ones we know of (smile)
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