The main source of EastEnders viewing has been through local PBS stations. They are years behind the current show in the UK. This is actually a plus if you want to catch up on lost years. Contact your local PBS, or look at the schedule on their website. It is a very costly show to import from the UK, so lots of fundraising is necessary. Support the PBS station of your choice to keep EE on the air. Here are some PBS stations still showing EE:
Minnesota: http://www.tpt.org/program/schedules/schedule_search.php
New York: http://www.wliw.org/schedule_search/
Other Options
Dish Network Pay-Per-View: https://customersupport.dishnetwork.com/customercare/payperview/processMovieList.do
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/EastEnders#p/a
Tape Trains:
Trains take a lot of work and organization. I was fortunate to be on a really great one for years. If you run a tape train, or want to be on one, let me know. Please indicate what year month you would like. Responsible, reliable people only please :)